Setting and Atmosphere
I've never been to Pennsylvania, but I have to commend "All the Right Moves" for it's portrayal of a steel town in a previous time period. I love the way it looked: factories, rising above the town, the smoke stacks, somewhat rural Pennsylvania in October/November (the mostly bare trees, the constant pounding of rain, the grey skies). It was gritty and grungy and, well, beautiful.
The football was good too, in what limited time it gets. The film itself can be a bit flimsy, but the look and feel of the town during this time period was very well done. Atmosphere is a big plus for this film. And that includes an atmosphere that sees Tom Cruise and Lea Thompson rounding bases in the back of her car, as well as that dude doing that strange hump-dance in a jock strap, before a game, in a dingy locker-room.
There is something about factory/mill/railroad towns that is romantic, and "All the Right Moves" nails that.