'10 to Midnight' censored on late night TV in USA.
I just caught the last 20 minutes of "10 to Midnight" on THISTV (ABC sub channel from Seattle). I was watching via OTA in Canada, and what little I saw of the film seemed interesting. What I noticed, and the reason for this topic, was every time there was any partial nudity (bare breast), there was a moving fuzzy image over top of the "naughty bits" to make sure no one got an eyeful. It made the movie look extremely amateurish, as if it were edited by someone taking a grade 10 film class.
Coming from Europe and now living in Canada, I cannot remember the last time, I saw something like this, it must have been 30 years ago. Why is the United Sates so far behind other "free" nations,ie Westernized, on such trivial matters?
This is not meant as an anti US comment, but just curious as to why any US network TV has to follow such "Victorian" censorship, even after after midnight.