MovieChat Forums > 10 to Midnight (1983) Discussion > How classic is the ending of this film?

How classic is the ending of this film?

I won't give it away here, but I just love the ending. Bronson's character's status, the building situation as more people arrive, and the abrupt final action followed by a quick cut to credits.

I love that you kind of expect the ending, but it's just on the edge of outrageousness (if you consider the scenario as if it were real life), and moves closer and closer until you start to think, "No, he can't go there now", but he does! Classic. One of my favorite endings. It also somewhat echoes the build and unexpected decision made at the end of the courthouse segment.

I don't think the film overall is flawless, but it's very good, very entertaining. I gave it an 8 out of 10. Of course, I'm a Bronson fan, so that helps, and I'm also a big horror fan, so that helps me appreciate the brutality of the film, which turns some folks off.

Brandt Sponseller


I don't like this movie that much. The ending is very predictable and stupid and doesn't go with the rest of the movie. It's just the typical Bronson vigilante habitus we all know from this later movies (Death Wish et al). If you have watched "The Boston Strangler" this film is redundant. For a modern version just watch "American Psycho".

"Are you a truck driver?"
"No, I'm a beautician...of course I'm a truck driver!"


It doesn't go with the rest of the movie, but it's predictable? Isn't that a contradiction?

I thought the ending was the best part because you know he gave up his career (and possibly freedom) to execute this creep.


It's an effective ending but it always bothered me that Stacy runs away from Bronson and yet Bronson still ends up ahead of him to cut him off.


Yeah, it's definitely a classic example "We're out of money! How do we end this now???" finale, but not too bad. Gotta love Bronson just showing up out of NOWHERE from the OTHER SIDE of where everyone was running AWAY from, complete with cheesy "SWOOSH!" sound when he swoops in with the gun.

If you ask me, they were trying to re-create one of the all-time classic Bronson endings, from his earlier film The Mechanic and, for me, only partially succeeded.

Still, I've never really met a Charles Bronson movie I've hated, soooo...


Wait a minute... who am I here?



the greatest ending and line delivery in the history of cinema.


bronson delivery was ........f** epic


The audience My dad and I were with ate the ending up. It also goes for the gut since that's what 99.9 percent of us would like to see done to everyone of these warped little mama's boys who do all this sick crap, then whine like a baby when they are caught. Why should our tax money go to pampering these weirdos for years, when Bronson had it right at the end.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead


I thought it was a great ending

Charles Bronson rules

"Hello, Ben. Welcome back to the land of the living" - John Locke


One of the best endings of all time, no doubt.

"My stepfather tried to rape me ... and he's a werewolf."


I thought the ending was a bit too abrupt, but scene with the killer and the daughter right before it was shot perfectly.

Because sponges never have bad days.



That ending is vintage Bronson.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!



I loved the ending!

How many Hollywood movies have you seen where the emotionally-charged victim waves a gun at the murderer/rapist etc ready to kill them and at the last instant his/her partner talks them out of it? .... so many, I've lost count

Well not here!

Stacy: "You will be seeing more of me!"
Bronson: "No we won't"

It left me with the thought of what would then happen to Bronson. Too hard, let's not bother.


The ending is 0 percent classic.
