MovieChat Forums > V (1983) Discussion > V on SyFy channel - edited?

V on SyFy channel - edited?

SyFy has been showing V this week. Anyone know if it's edited in any way? I haven't seen it, and want to see the complete version for my first viewing. I'll rent the DVD if this is edited.


does not look edited to me. looks the same way it always did

itchy, wretched, rust in my aft. -Jetfire


I think I did see a part that was missing.


It is available on DVD and is not expensive or at least mine wasn't.


They just re-released all of V today in honor of the new show. Walmart has the two miniseries for $9.96 each and the series for $13.96.

Elvis is DEAD


I was wrong the scene was there.


Since the SyFy Channel showed the miniseries, do you think they will ever show the whole series.

That would be so cool.


Uh, they just did. Monday and Tuesday they ran a marathon of the whole thing.

Elvis is DEAD


They ran the series??? Oh my god, I actually missed it. I mean, I taped the miniseries and I thought that what they showed on Monday was a repeat of the miniseries. I should just shoot myself and get it over with. lol Thanks much.


Get 'em all on TPB (Torrents) why don't ya... A sure way to stay clear of all the annoying commercials and other annoying stuff they always air in between when you're having a blast.

I have a TV, but it's collecting dust most of the time. Dang, I love the Internet!!! Sure it has it's downsides, and with a spam-filter in place, no-one's telling me how to live my life!

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Hi. I sent you a private message.

Thanks, Eliz


You did? Strange. Didn't get any and I can't seem to find any links to any "in-box" either here on imdb =0/

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I found the episodes on the internet. I just finished watching 3 episodes (I love when Charles arrived on the Mother Ship) played by Duncan Regher.

So thanks anyway. I believe I have found out what torrents are. At least I think I have. lol


Greatest invention ever, too bad Hollywood feels that they're loosing money (they never should have had anyway) on folks that would never had seen their movies otherwise, not to mention the fact that it's great commercial: From someone's mouth to another's ear which is nothing short of "Ka-ching" in their wallets since many wants to purchase their movies instead of a weird-ass copy (Lot's of them believe you me!) with some weird-ass format and/or quality.

The truth is that Hollywood HAVE NEVER MADE THIS MUCH MONEY - EVER!
Same goes for the music-branches too.

But, for some strange reason they compare this with stealing like a car or something, only difference (DUH!!?) that what you steal (?) remains, intact.

Debate R us anyone (I rather not though, if anyone says anything, someone else gets to take over. I don't have the energy for it!)?

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What irritated me was that Sci Fi ran the series as a marathon two weeks ago, and the final half hour ran concurrently with the series premiere of the reboot's first half hour. Dang it, I use a VCR for the Biggest Loser, and had to miss the first part to record the end of V! I know, join the 21st century and get DVR or TiVO, yada yada yada. I did, however miss the showing of V the final battle! I was bummed.


From what I remember, it was. But that happens when you put stuff in syndication.


Editing parts out in syndication is a good thing because we as the viewers get to watch more commercials so we can learn about all the new products and services in our area
