
Big fan of this show... loved it when I was a kid. I finally found like TWO seasons on AOL and ate them UP over the last two weeks... and now... Withdrawal. Nothing. No season 3 anywhere to be found. I was even on Amazon looking to buy the box set of the next two seasons and nada. What's up with that?!

Anybody know where I could see/find S03 and 04? Please please please?! I'm South African and I don't remember them ever airing the final season. So I have a whole season of virgin territory to get to. Right now I'm living in Japan which makes going and just hunting for it in video shops even MORE difficult.

Can anybody help? Please?


hi and welcome!

Come visit us at the SMK forum. We love new and old fans! As to the answer of where you can see season three and four, I know someone has some eps up on Youtube. Don't know if you'd be able to view them in Japan though.

Here's the link to the forum if you're interested: . We look forward to seeing you there!


Thanks. Will come and visit your forum later (at work at the moment)! Am gutted that there are no other real online episodes of S03 and 04 (youtube's quality can be so-so at best sometimes - but I guess beggars can't be choosers, eh?). I hope AOL will add more.

Will go and check my local video store tonight. They have these old, old, OLD series' (on tape) that they just never chuck out. So they may have SMK hidden in the back somewhere! Fingers crossed. I kinda feel like I've been left hanging :(

Nevermind. Glad to find likeminded people here.


