You watch too much SMK when
You call the doctor's office and Dotty answers the phone, you have to keep from giggling.
"Mom, usually your hair looks sort of frazzled."
You call the doctor's office and Dotty answers the phone, you have to keep from giggling.
"Mom, usually your hair looks sort of frazzled."
good one Kelly! Welcome to the forum btw!
You suddenly realise that you're reliving episodes in your mind, you're grinning broadly in the street and people probably think you're nuts.
shareYou watch too muck SMK when all you think about is watching the episodes over and over again. My sister was laughing at me yesteday because she saw me watching an episode of it on you tube and she said, "Don't you have those on discs yet?"
shareYou marry a guy who looks very much like an 80's Bruce Boxleitner!
shareYou know you watch too much SMK when you see a small silver sportscar & think you will see "Lee" get up out of the car.
shareYou start whistling the theme song while you're working because you just can't wait to get home and watch another episode and the theme song is the only thing keeping you from walking out.
Are you going to dip it in yogurt? Cover it with chocolate buttons?
When you see the initials "IFF" and you think "International Federal Film? But it's a cover for the Agency!"
R.I.P. Paul Newman.
you still keep hoping to see a paneled station wagon
when you leave D.C. and you pass Arlington and you smile
you judge other tv relationships by Amanda's and Lee's LOL
You don't have to be perfect to be good.
-Victor Davis Hanson
I completely agree with myyankees! This past week I actually left work early because I couldn't wait to get home to see the Do You Take This Spy episode (I'd recently bought SMK on DVD from an online site, and had watched all episodes up to that point). It took over my life for a whole week until I'd watched all 88 episodes. Very satisfying!!