MovieChat Forums > Mama's Family (1983) Discussion > Did Iola Ever Have A Job?

Did Iola Ever Have A Job?

Watching M.F. re-runs on ME-TV the other day I realized something; Did Iola ever have a job during the series run, or was it ever alluded to what she did for a living? She was too young to be retired already like Thelma was, but it always seemed like she was constantly over The Harper House with Mama during daytime hours.

Anybody know?


Probably not. She seemed like she was the primary caretaker of her aged parents, so she probably got something from their social security as compensation.


That sounds plausible. Honestly, it's funny how after all these years it just hit me that she never mentioned having a job or working. Probably since taking care of "Mother and Daddy" was a full time occupation like you said. Lol


Yeah she was a caregiver, I think some states even pay you for that.

I am a caregiver for my grandma and I get paid for that.


Oh, that's cool.


Yeah some ppl look at me as lazy b/c I don't have a conventional OUTSIDE job, but anyone who's cared for the elderly know it's a job....the one perk though is you can kinda set your time table and do want you want in between times, which I like.


If people look at you as "lazy" for not having a conventional job, they are nuts.

There are people who can-are able to work in this country, yet choose not to and suck off The Government and working man/woman. Those are the people who are lazy, among many other things.




I thought she worked as a cocktail waitress at the Bigger Jigger on occasion to supplement her parents social security.

