This is why I was asking if Bubba existed in the NBC episodes.
I think Ellen still had her children in the NBC episodes b/c she mentioned calling her family on the phone to tell them she'd be a little late and she said, "I can call THEM" implying likely there are more ppl at her home than just Bruce...UNLESS Bruce prefers to go by They/Them pronouns, which I'm doubting.
But I think it could go either way really, but for the ppl who don't think Buzz and Sonya existed or Billy Joel, I don't think there's ever any convincing.... Even if Mama, in a syndicated episodes stated, "Boy I sure do miss Billy Joel, Buzz, Sonya, and Mary Beth.... I sure wish they'd come and visit!" People would still dismiss her saying that and be like, "Well that was just ONE episode that Mama said that in, and you can't put too much stock in what Mama says, etc......"
Also the reason Mama mentioned having 4 kids once was b/c they were planning on bringing Phillip's character back but decided not to, b/c they already had so many characters. Many ppl think also maybe the 4th child was Iola, since she was established to have been there a lot as a child.
I think there is a few references in the syndicated episodes that imply ALL the characters still existed.... They just weren't mentioned nor dwelled upon b/c they were not part of the new format of the show.
That is generally the way sitcoms go, characters that leave the show are rarely talked about.. Just like on the show Alice, when Flo's character left, Flo was NEVER mentioned again, and she was a HUGE part of that show...but I don't think she stopped literally existing.
And of course Bubba was excited about Tiffany being born, having a NEW BABY cousin, is different from having older cousins that have kinda "gotten old".
The only existence I might question is Billy Joel... B/c he was younger than Bubba, and the way Eunice talked in a phone conversation with Mama in a syndicated episode is, she and Ed lived in a TINY one room studio apartment with barely enough room for where would Billy have been staying at that time?