MovieChat Forums > Mama's Family (1983) Discussion > How old was Iola supposed to be in this ...

How old was Iola supposed to be in this show?

She was a little girl about Vint's age on a flashback episode, yet there was another episode where she attended a "Senior's mixer" with Thelma. I somehow got the impression she was closer to Thelma's age when watching this growing up.


I'd say she was supposed to be in her 40s, closer to Vint's age I think... She just went EVERYWHERE Mama went, so I think that's why she attended the mixer.


Iola was about the same age as Vint and Naomi. She just went everywhere with Mama because Mama was her friend.


How old were Ellen, Vint, and Eunice supposed to be??

Mama was 65-ish when the show started, yet Ellen--who would have to be only 40s--looks well over 50. Vint also looked older than 40s.

I say Iola was 40s, same age as Vint. She was closer to that age in real life, so it was more believable with her than Thelma's kids. I think we were supposed to stretch our imaginations and pretend Ken Berry and Betty White were much younger.


I always wanted to think Mama had Ellen quite young, I THINK we are supposed to think Ellen is in her late 40s, which is SOMEHWHAT believable. Mama could have had her at 17 or 18, that was NOT uncommon for women to have children that young in those days. So Ellen COULD have been around 48. It was stated once that Vint was 45... So Eunice could have been around 46 or 47.

Ppl looked older in those days anyway, I was surprised to learn that in All In the Family that Archie and Edith are only in their 40s at the beginning of the show, They looks well closer to 60 to me.

But anyway, I think it'd be a safe bet to assume that all of Thelma's children where in their 40s.


There are people, who for whatever reason, tend to hangout with people from the older generation. It was clear she was about Vint's age. She just really had no friends her own age.
