Names On Mama's Family

It's already been stated before that a lot of the neighboring towns had the same names as serial killers (Hinkley and Bundy). I guess it was the writers inside joke.

I was wondering if they got Mama's maiden name of Crowley from the serial killer Aleister Crowley. It seems like something the writers would do.


Except Aleister Crowley wasn't a serial killer....
He did found the religion/philosophy called Thelema which may be tied to the origin of Thelma's name. It's a stretch though.


There was also Oswald Caverns (Lee Harvey Oswald) and 'the Borden girl' down the street Mama talked about in "Bubba's Double Date". Which I've always thought was in reference to Lizzie Borden.


Loved the name of one of the town ladies (who Mama finds a pain in the neck): May June!
