MovieChat Forums > Mama's Family (1983) Discussion > Mama has four kids in the NBC episodes

Mama has four kids in the NBC episodes

Just watched "Fran's Dress", and Mama talks about how she used to iron and mash potatoes, "with four screaming kids under my feet".

VInt, Ellen, Eunice, and who else? I'm guessing they are referring to one of the other kids mentioned on The Carol Burnett Show. And it probably isn't Phillip, because Ken Berry played him.


Originally they were planning on bringing Phillip's character back but decided against it b/c they felt they already had too many characters. Roddy MacDowell originally played Phillip.

Some ppl, who like to tie in the syndicated episodes, speculate MAYBE the 4th child was Iola....Iola obviously spent a lot of time with Thelma as a child, and her own mother was always so sickly, that maybe Thelma pretty well raised Iola also.


Just curious, Tinkerbell, did you ever hear Vicki ever say they planned to use Phillip?


Not Vickie per se, but it's just one of those many things I've heard on various Mama's Family message boards. I've been going on MF message boards for a while so I've hear a lot.

It all may not be 100% true, but fans are prolly getting the info. somewhere.

Just like the rumor about the 5 lost episodes. One fan even claimed to have one recorded from back when it 1st aired, it was about the Harpers being snowed in.


Coulda been. I could see Roddy MacDowell coming back to play him in the show. He was unavailable for the TV movie, but I think he would have done it otherwise.

I was trying to remember the lost episodes last night. Was the blizzard originally on that? I remember:

Mama and Iola's frozen food
Buzz and Sonja wreck the car
Eunice comes back with bad news
Buzz comes back

I always forget the last one...


Yes I think those are right, those are the ones I've always heard about..... I think the other one IS about the Harpers being snowed in going crazy having to be with each other constantly.


These were filmed and aired???


According to various rumors, they WERE recorded and shown ONCE while the show was being shown live, but never shown in reruns.....So I'm not sure.

Most of this stems from when Vickie said they successfully completed 135 episodes BUT there are only 130 that air.

So many seem to think there are 5 lost episodes floating around somewhere.


Then I doubt it's true. You can look at the schedule and the airdates. Do there appear to be any breaks?


According to the claims, five lost episodes exist that never aired in reruns after their original airing: 1. Playball (4th season episode) 2. Snow Job (5th season episode) 3. Raytown Without Pity (5th season episode) 4. Wedding Presence (5th season episode) 5. Bubba's Photo Class (6th season episode)."



It was based on Vickie saying they completed 135 episodes when really there are only 130. But there was one supposedly where Buzz and Sonya wreck the car, so it seems like that would have been from seasons 1 or 2.


Yeah - there are no lost episodes. I watched the show when it was in first run. People are weird.

The whole reason the show was revived in syndication was to add enough episodes to the library so they could monetize the whole thing and "strip" it (rerun it five days per week). There is no financial reason to hold any episodes back - it's not like they had produced 400 episodes and had to pick and choose.



There was Jack from the Carroll Burnett Show.
