Vinton so annoying
As the seasons wore on I can't help but help but want to strangle Ken Berry. He became stupider and stupider and just dragged every scene down with his idiocy.
shareAs the seasons wore on I can't help but help but want to strangle Ken Berry. He became stupider and stupider and just dragged every scene down with his idiocy.
shareWhile that is true, I think Ken is a very talented actor, b/c he can play dumb and equally play very intelligent, like when he played Phil in the Eunice movie.
Especially when he was NOT that dumb in earlier episodes lol
In the early NBC episodes, while definitely not a genius, Vint did seem to have pretty good common sense, he was just portrayed sorta as a loser.
Ken Berry wasn't to blame. The writers dumbed-down Vint in the syndication episodes and he was just giving them what they wanted. Not sure why they felt the need to make his character so incredibly stupid but in general, the characters became more cartoonish in sydnication, whereas they were more grounded in reality on the network. Likewise, Naomi was much more assertive and would rarely let Mama get away with her insults, but in the later episodes, she seldom fought back.
shareThe way I used to ration that between Mama and Naomi, I used to think at some point, perhaps, Mama threatened Naomi that if she disrespected her in her house, that she would throw her out, and maybe that's why Naomi holds her tongue more in the later episodes....I could see Mama possibly doing that.
The way I used to ration that between Mama and Naomi, I used to think at some point, perhaps, Mama threatened Naomi that if she disrespected her in her house, that she would throw her out, and maybe that's why Naomi holds her tongue more in the later episodes....I could see Mama possibly doing that.
I think the only exception is, Mama seemed like Ellen's husband Bruce, from what little she's commented on him, mainly b/c he's rich and successful I guess.
I was rewatching some of the Family Sketches and Ed is actually much more combative that I remembered, I always remembered him as just taking Eunice's and Mama's abuse, but he did fight back quite a bit, even to the point of threatening Mama with physical harm a couple of times lol
And yeah I'm guilty of doing a lot of back and forth online arguing. I think sometimes you DO cause ppl to think differently and maybe even cause them to change their minds, but I think out of PRIDE, most ppl would never admit it in an online "debate" or argument. A lot of ppl seem to think that changing your mind is a sign of weakness and that there is a virtue in sticking with your original idea till the bitter end. I mean honestly when is the last time, in a debate, you've EVER heard one of the debaters say to their opponent, "You know, I've never actually thought about it that way, but you are right, I stand corrected, I will now change my position on this!" and concede, no matter how good their opponents arguments are. lol It just doesn't seem to happen.
When I debate with ppl online it's more of the other ppl, 3rd parties who might be reading it.
One of the few character changes I liked more was Vinton. Yes he became kind of a nit wit, but in the earlier shows he was kind of a loser and a jerk and almost an abusive husband. I'd rather be around dumb Vint than loser Vint.
"Life is like a box of Krispy Kreme donuts".