No Fraggle boards

I am shocked and saddened that there is one other post here on the Fraggle boards. I would have thought with all the people on the Labyrinth and Dark Crystal and Neverending boards, the Fraggles would have their own following. I miss this show so much. I was looking back at these old papers my mom found and I listed this and "V" as my favorite shows (I was an odd child). I wish they woud release them on dvd.


I completely agree with you Mara_Jade...why aren't more people posting in this forum? WHY ISN'T FRAGGLE ROCK ON DVD YET??!!!!

I've read rumors all over the net that Columbia studios was to release Fraggle Rock on DVD this past January, but that seems to only be a rumor...however I also read that it's a UK release rather than US.

Have you noticed the link atop the Fraggle Rock main page?...there's a link for a DVD just states that the DVD is not yet released though.



Even though I was terrified of the show when I was little (I didn't like the old man, or the big creatures that were always trying to catch the fraggles) I'd give anything to have them again!! A video, or on dvd, or whatever!! I miss it and other good shows like Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, Gummi Bears, Noozles and David the Gnome.

"Y'all are SO wack."
"Nope, just regular-type."


It's kind of funny you mentioned David the of my friends has recently become obsessed with remembering that show and he keeps instant messaging me the song from the show.


I actually found an entire episode on kazaa and I downloaded it. It was amazing that I even remembered all the dialogue!! God I miss this show.

"Y'all are SO wack."
"Nope, just regular-type."


I believe there is a French Fraggle DVD box set of the first series available through Amazon... So hopefully the English version will be soon to follow.

There is a set of VCDs around containing 69 episodes... which we have on DVD.. the quality is not the best but fun! fun! fun!


Where did you find the VCDs...I might be interested in getting those.


They were on ebay but all other copies have been pulled due to policy violations.


yeah...I bought a 5 disk DVD set from eBay. The quality is nothing to brag about, but it will pacify me until the official DVDs are out!

Speaking of old of my favorites was Muppet Babies! I can't wait until that is on DVD. Strawberry Shortcake is coming to DVD soon and I believe Rainbow Brite also.


5 hours of fraggle Rock for less than £15!!



Fraggle Rock ROCKS!!! Especially the way that they ended the series.


I must've been 2, as a youngerster, I didn't know if Sprocket was real or not. according to a friend "Yes, Sprocket is real. Doc is a puppet." It'd be nice if Nickeloden would put it on.


Fraggle Rock doesn't come on tv and it's not out on video, that's why no one's here. There's gotta be alot of people here who have at least some episodes, or more memories. Ebay is a wonderful place to find Fraggle Rock stuff. I just got 5 dvd's/71 episodes + a behind the scenes show from there last week. Most of the shows are in good quality but some have that old feel to them, which actually makes it cool.

I'm not sure and I don't guarantee anyone they will find FR dvd's on Ebay but it wouldn't hurt to look. There is TONS of Fraggle stuff, and there ARE usually a few vids/dvds for bidding or buying. If you don't have an account it's easy to set up.

This is my signature, nice eh?
