Use to watch this in the 80s when I was a kid. Looking back now, its stood the test of time and looks like it was made yesterday. But I just noticed something. In the first ever episode I have, Doc is in it and when Uncle Traveling Matt leaves he comes out onto the streets of what might be New York. Yet my memory of Fraggle Rock, living in the UK, was that they were in a light house.
Then I find another episode named 1x21 (not sure which episode it is) and Doc isn't in it. The guy from the British comedy Porriage is in it instead and they are infact in a Light House. Then I check a few other episodes, one apprently from series 4, and Doc is in it again.
I'm confussed. Looking on imdb I see Doc was in it for its entire run but so was the guy from porridge. So were there to slightly different versions for the USA audience and UK audience?