'The Terrible Tunnel'

I was just wondering if anyone else was completely freaked out by this episode when they were a kid. I remember watching it when I was four or five and having it totally scare me out of my mind.


Yes, IMO, this is one of the scariest episodes of the show. I actually don't remember seeing it as a kid, but I own the first season on DVD and it scared me out of my wits. I can't imagine what I would have thought when I was a kid and saw this! It's a good Halloween episode!


I still got pretty creeped out by it, actually. I remembered a lot of nightmares and scary dark corners as soon as I watched it again. Yikes.

Pity the insomniac dyslexic agnostic. He loses sleep wondering if there really is a dog.


The Storyteller scared the heck out of me with that story, especially at the end where she shouts, slams the door and the creepy music comes on. There were quite a few episodes that were a bit spooky, and even now, they kind of are for some reason, even though I know the gang will be ok and everything will be better in 30 minutes or less.



I showed 'The Terrible Tunnel' to my little brother a few weeks ago and he got freaked out too.


The same thing with me, morphzvivor. I don't remember this episode as a kid, but I recently got the first season DVD and watched "The Terrible Tunnel" a couple of nights ago...I'm 22 years old, but I must say this episode kind of creepy. For instance, when Wembley was like "Hidey" and the voice was going "hooooooooo". *shivers*
