Which Episode(s)??

My memory is kinda fuzzy, but I think these are two seperate episodes I'm about to describe.

The first starts off with a race, but a shifting tunnel leads one group into a cavern with these growing vines that keep growing and cutting off the Fraggles escape until they figure out a way to stop them and escape. By singing?

The second was about something that happened in Fraggle Rock that made the Fraggles depressed or something, cause all the light in Fraggle Rock was gradually going out, and as it got darker, they got sadder. Just before they were all doomed, they figured out that their singing was actually what caused the lights to glow, and they sang to restore everything.

Now since my memory is so rubbish, I'm not 100% sure if these stories are part of the same episode, like the A story and the B story, or seperate alltogether. I have a vague memory of the vines growing in darkness, and spreading cause the Fraggles werent singing. Probably wrong though...

Anyone know what I'm talking about?


I think the one you're thinking of is Season 3 "The beanbarrow, the burden, and the bright bouquet". Red is isolated in the race when she takes the wrong side of a shifting tunnel and the only way to escape is flowers.

The second one is Season 2 "The day the music died". Crystalline lifeforms called Ditzies light the caverns and live on music. Gobo asks everyone to be quiet so he can concentrate on writing the Rock's glory song for that generation -- but without everyone singing, the lights stop, causing all Fraggles to go to sleep (and, presumably, would have killed them eventually).



Ah so they WERE two seperate episodes after all. I thought as much.

Thanks a lot for clearing that up for me :)
