Ever Friends?

I'm only at season of Fraggle Rock but I have question about Fraggle and The Gorgs do they ever become friends? The Gorgs want to capture the Fraggles if the are seen in Garden but they would show a great sadness if they killed one. In the episode Mokey's Funeral Junior was very sad he had killed a fraggle (It wasn't a real fraggle just a doll Mokey had made to show she could come up with plans to.) and gave it funeral but then it was all fixed Mokey revealed it was a doll and she was alive and went back to trying catch the Fraggles again. Ma Gorg even showed compasion when she thoght the fraggle was dead. Will they ever be friends Fraggles and Gorgs?

Frggles and Doozers depend Gorgs to grow Radishs cause they need the to live to.

Jim Heson craeted on heck of a series! I like it!

Ignitus:These are dangerous times for a dragon to e wandering about.


Junior was more innocent of the trio, so he admits later that he didn't know chasing/threatening them bothered them (just like it doesn't bother most people to set mousetraps and such) and he never would have started if he had known how much fear and pain he had caused. Junior wanted the Fraggles more like pets, whereas Pa only saw his own kind as worthy of life. Ma's maternal instincts allowed her to feel compassion towards Fraggles sometimes, but only if they really pushed her maternal buttons (crying, for instance). The series ends right about the time everyone starts getting along, so hopefully the movie will let us know how well that turned out.

(I have a Fraggle shipping vid here)
