Haha I love that part. Red starts talking, then she bumps into something, and suddenly stops talking with that "ugh" LOL and she does it again against the rock wall at the end of the scene.
There are lots of funny moments, I don't know why I can't remember them right now, I just bought the 1st season DVD set, lol.
The first Minstrels episode. Cantus says "It was a mysterious and invisible, a mysterious and invisible.......
Then Red asks "A mysterious and invisible what?"
Cantus: "I don't know. It was so mysterious, and invisible."
There's a scene in Pebble Pox Blues that just hilarious. When Gobo is sick in bed, and Red is there, Gobo asks her to get him stuff and fluff his pillow, Red starts to get angry and frustrated, heh heh. After Gobo tells her that he's sick and what he has, she says "Well sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry!" LOL.
In an episode where Red & Gobo have a slide, the gang's all hanging around Mokey wanting to hear some of her poetry. Red is standing next to Gobo with her arms and legs all twisted (a stunt for the slide), and she says something like "Hey Gobo check this out, it's my specialty!" (Red falls down). Then Gobo says "I think falling on your face is your specialty."
Anytime Junior Gorg is onscreen it's a laugh-a-second!!!
In the episode where Gobo and Wembley compete in the races against each other (I think it's called The Great Race), Red & Wembley and Gobo are in Gobo's room, and they sorta tell Gobo that Wembley let Gobo win one of the races and lost on purpose. Gobo gets furious at Wembley, telling him they're having one more race, and that he better try his hardest and not lose on purpose. Wembley starts trembling like crazy, and his nose is all scrunched back and he's shaking, LMAO it's incredibly funny.
In the Mokey & Red's cave episode (A Cave of One's Own I think), Red is looking for her tug-o-tails trophy in her pile of stuff, throwing all kinds of things over her shoulder. She happened to throw a sock and have it land draped over Mokey's nose. Red sees it and says "Ahhh ha! Mokey, you look so funny!" Then Mokey says something about it not being funny. Well, Gobo, Wembley and Boober happened to be in the room for a visit, and Gobo says "Yes it is, you got a sock on your nose! Hahaha!" Cute part.
Geez I'll have to watch more and start remembering some more funny parts.
In God WWE Trust