Lighthouse Keepers?

I am not sure if this is true but I heard that in each country that FR was shown they had their own Lighthouse Keepers - I am in the UK and we had a Scottish one. Does anyone know if this is true?

I heard this on a facebook fansite as the Aussies said their LHK was Australian and the Germans said theirs was German

If anyone actually knows if this is true I would love to know!



I live in Australia and I'm prety sure our LHK was the original Doc-but then again I have the US/Canadian series on DVD


Ours was Fulton Mackay and after his death John Gordon Sinclair - both of whom were Scottish.

I blame facebook for all this as thats where the question came up about different Lighthouse Keepers.

I am not sure it makes sense that each country FR was sold too filmed their own Lighthouse segments and Sprockett was always the same so it doesn't actually make any sense does it?


In the US, Doc lived in an apartment, I think.


This show was meant to be international from the start, and to make it authentic, they changed the old man+spocket and also the Uncle Travelin Matt scenes to fit the country in which they were being filmed. In the US version sprocket and "Doc" (a struggling inventor) lived in a very small workshop with a hole in the wall leading to fraggle rock. In the UK version our Doc was replaced by A lighthouse keeper living in a lighthouse also with a dog named sprocket. In germany it was also doc and his dog in a workshop however they were played by german actors. France also had its own version.


In the U.S. version, Doc was an American, but he didn't actually live in that workshop as some other posters have mentioned. In the first episode, the room is empty. He and Sprocket walk in during their segment and he announces to Sprocket that he is "finally going to convert this old room into a workshop". So I took it that this was an adjunct room to a main house that he lived in. I am curious though where the reference to "Light House keeper" came from. Is this what the workshop is in other country versions of the show or a reference to a particular episode?


Lighthouse Keeper is the UK's Doc. I'm more of a fan of the US/Canada Doc, but before they were removed off youtube, I grew to like what little of the Lighthouse Keeper I saw. Every country either had their own Doc or just dubbed over the US/Canadian one.


The British one had MacKay from Porridge.
