The gorgs

The gorgs used to scare the hell out of me when i was little.


Ummm... okay
Good for you.


Same here. Googley eyes, giant, always trying to kill Fraggles for no readily apparent reason. Junior was alright, if just because he was a bit dim.

"A urinal cake? You sir have crossed the line!"


I literally had to change the channel when the gorgs came onscreen-they were horrible,I thought they'd crawl right through the tv, I loved the Fraggles, but I'd get so upset if they'd crawl out of the cave, cuz the gorgs were always waiting for them ,haha.


me too!!!
it was a rerun a couple of years ago on TV. I still couldnĀ“t watch them!! =(


When I was a kid I thought the Gorgs were hilarious, especially Junior. They didn't scare me at all.



Oh, I loved them all, the Gorgs, Fraggles and Doozers. He he, those were very happy moments of my life.
