MovieChat Forums > Fraggle Rock (1983) Discussion > Fraggles other than the main six?

Fraggles other than the main six?

Just to be clear by the main six I mean Gobo, Mokey, Wimbley, Boober, Red and Uncle Traveling Matt. But other than can you name any other fraggles? Some that I remember are:

1. MARLIN, this was a yellow fraggle who appeared in a few episodes. He had a a rather obnoxious personality. In both apperance and personality he remined me alot of John Lovitz (if he were a fraggle).

2. THE WORLD'S OLDEST FRAGGLE, I remember him showing up in a few episodes. I'm not sure if he had a propper name.

Any others?


Cantus and the minstrels, they were in like five episodes I think.

Convincing John was in at least two.

The story-teller, I don't know if she (he??) has a name.

I know there are more...dang.

Wembley is my favorite fraggle. <3 And Marlin creeps me out.


I think one is called "large marvin" or something like that. He looks sort of like he has down's syndrome, talks like it too.
Then theres a little girl fraggle called Tosh.

All the doozers have names too. Wrench, Cotterpin, uhmm a bunch of others hahah.


LOL @ Large Marvin. you know there was a girl fraggle called Lou who became friends with Wembley in one programme, she would have been a very cool character to add on!
And also how about the fraggles that live in a cave, the ones that do not have a sense of humor.. The chief of security was named "Beige". Too funny.


OH YEAH about the humourless fraggles. There are a lot who just slip by. The fraggle five will be walking around and see some other fraggle and say "Hey joe fraggle". It's easy to miss.


I recently learned about another new Fraggle called Rumple who had a gambling addiction. He had a Eurotrash accent also! LOVE IT!
I did not see this (second) series until now. When I caught it on tv in 1998-1999 I think they must have been only airing the first series.
I wish there was a character preoccupied with building things, a Fraggle that wanted to be a Doozer.
P.S. what do you guys think Marlin has? Conjunctivitis?


By series do you mean season? There was another fraggle rock show, but it was a cartoon, and not as good.

Hmmm Rumple sounds familiar...


Series=season, and I remember that cartoon because when Fraggle Rock (original) went to HBO I didn't get to watch it anymore and was happy to settle for the cartoon.. because I was under 5 years I don't really remember very well. But I thought the cartoon was awesome.
What would your dream Fraggle be like? Mine would be an architecturally obssessive Fraggle who dreams of being a Doozer.


Hmm. That's tough. Wembley has always been my favorite....probably some amalgam of all the fraggles, haha. A little bit of Wembleys silliness and free-spirit, a bit of Boober's love for laundry and order, Red's spunk, Mokey's artistic side, add to that a love of learning and books and that would pretty much be me. haha. Or my Ideal Self.


Wembley is the coolest Fraggle! No contest.


How about the one who is always with the world's oldest fraggle, the one who always gets hit by his staff, lol. I'm not sure if he had a name or if it was mentioned.

There were tons of other fraggles, but their names were never mentioned in episodes.

Oh oh oh, in "the Wizard of Fraggle Rock," the Wizard who arrives looks just like Wembley without his disguise, but a little older. Can't think of any more.


Go to, they have a complete list of characters, there are more than you think.

7-words Max is another one, but I don't ever recall seeing him yet.



Convincing John. I must say, I've cheated: I don't remember Convincing John from when I used to watch re-runs of the show in the early '90s as a kid, but from re-watching the show on DVD late last year at a friend's house. I think Convincing John was only in one episode, but I believe he was played by Jim Henson, which is pretty cool.



Convincing John is technically in three episodes. The first one is where he convinces everyone to (not) eat Doozer sticks. The second one reveals that he is a wembler. The third has him largely disguised (but his voice gives it away) as a member of the Poohbahs.


To my knowledge Jim Henson only voiced 2 charecters on Fraggle Rock, convincing John and Cantus....somehow it doesnt surprise me that these are 2 of the guest charecters that most stick with folks

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