MovieChat Forums > Fraggle Rock (1983) Discussion > An episode I remember...

An episode I remember...

I watched this show once as a child. We had HBO but I never watched this show except one time. One of the Fraggles finds a new friend. I recall him being a big muddy looking guy. The pair have a great time laughing and playing. The Fraggle goes back the next day and the muddy guy is very cold and mean. Then he dies! How damn depressing for a kid! I seem to recall that a new friend emerged from the muddy guy's carcass. Can anybody refresh me on the entire plot/premise of this episode and what message it was trying to convey?


Hi, I know this response is pretty delayed, but here goes. It was the episode "Gone, But Not Forgotten." Wembley makes friends with a creature called Mudwell the Mudbunny who is dying. He does indeed get mean to Wembley and sends him away harshly, but it's because he doesn't want Wembley to see him die. Mudwell dies but is reborn as another creature.

It was to teach children that death is a natural part of life and while it's okay to be sad about it, life has to go on. And also there was the smaller message that sometimes when someone is sick or dying they might be mean to you, but they still like you - a message any child with a dying relative needs to hear.
