scariest episodes

What were some episodes that really freaked you out as a kid (or still do today)?

The one with the ditzies...where everyone falls asleep, and gobo plays a song and wakes everyone up. The first time when the ditzies vanish and it gets really dark really used to freak me out.

The Wizard of Fraggle Rock, the world's oldest fraggle arrives, in pursuit of by the poison cackler, and switches identities with Wembley to try and hide, but the cackler arrives at the end and both the Wizard and Wembley are confronted by it (I hated that creature).

The mean genie from the bottle Wembley found, I didn't like the genie's actions one bit, I wanted him to go away forever, I hated him. Fortunately he goes back in the bottle at the end (I think).

I haven't seen the Terrible Tunnel one yet, but I will. It's coming in the mail soon with 70 other episodes.

The big pink glob that eats the doozers. Right at the moment you can hear it coming, and see it getting closer and closer really freaked me out. Interesting creature though, I like when it laughs at the end when it spits out the doozers and starts talking, heh heh.

Wembley's wonderful whoopie water...the crack in the wall keeps getting wider and wider, then gobo ends up falling down in it, on a ledge close to the edge of another long pit, ugh.

The one with the creature in the gorg's basement, it would always change into a big monster and start making creepy noises at certain times. I don't remember much from this one.

That's all for now.

This is my signature, nice eh?


yeah when i was a kid, the genie one scared the heck out of me, as well as the one where that rabbit was all lonely, and mokey wanted to be his friend and he shrunk her and put her in the little house. yikes!


Oh yeah! I have that episode, I don't know what that thing was, really. Maybe a rabbit, yeah. He was kinda mean until the end. He must've been really lonely.

I have the Terrible Tunnel, it's not really bad, there's only two scenes where the big hole tries to eat Wembley, then Wembley, Red, and Gobo together, but when that wind picks up and Wembley turns around with eyes wide, that's freaky.

The Perfect Blue Rollie, Boober finds a perfectly blue and round rock and wants it all to himself. He has a hidden cave that no one knows about, until he shows them, and keeps the rock there. The fraggles try to steal it but Boober catches them, so they leave, but one of them knocks it through a big crack in the wall, and they start moving the rocks out of the way, then there's a huge cave-in which boober gets trapped under. And every minute or so the rock ceiling gets lower and lower with Boober still under it, and he thinks he's a goner so he just lays there waiting for it. But the other fraggles come and get him out, then the rest of the cave collapses, but the blue rollie lands right in front of them, so Boober shares it :) Pretty scary with the cave-in stuff though.

There's also another episode where Boober AND Red get trapped in a cave together, same situation (rock ceiling occasionally lowering). But guess who comes to the rescue? Heh heh.

This is my signature, nice eh?


I haven't seen this episode (or any episodes, for that matter) in years, but I vaguely remember an episode where some (or maybe just one?) of the Fraggles goes away outside at night with this really slimy, smarmy scary muppet guy. I don't really remember any specifics, except just being so scared of the bad guy. I know that's not much to go on, but does anyone else remember this?

~ and the night's in a paper cup
when you want it to last


the poison cackler always scared me!


Sounds like Wander McMooch (sorry can't spell it). He looked kind of like a toad? He scared me more than any other charcter. There is one episode where he enslaves the two creatures that live with the trash heap. Freaky freaky freaky.


ill have to go with the terrible tunnel, when the tunnel was calling wembleys name in that spooky voice, that kinda scared me.


The "Terrible Tunnel" totally freaked me out when I was a kid, and even gave me nightmares. And very few things ever gave me nightmares.

Another one the freaked me out was the one where Boober's alter-ego, Sidebottom, trapped all the Fraggels in Boober's dream by playing a game of litteral freeze tag with them.

Also the one where Mokey discovered another tribe of Fraggles but was taken prisoner by them kind of freaked me out for some reason.

And yes, the one where that rabbit-creature shrunk Mokey and put her in the little house freaked me out as well.

Then there was one where Red discovered another pond that contained a sea creature. Even thought the creature tuned out to be friendly it still freaked me out.


"The Terrible Tunnel" was the episode that scared me the most as a kid, too.

Another episode that freaked me out a little was "We Love You, Wembley," where Wembley spills the love potion the Trash Heap gives him, 'causing everyone to fall in love with him. Watching it now, that scene seems mostly just kinda funny, but all the Fraggles' zombie-like behavior under the effects of the potion was just creepy to me back then.


I could be wrong but as a kid I swear theres a episode about a great "garboil" - as i remember it its a yelling spirit type creature which wimbly accidently releases and gobo has to lure it back into its cave??


There were two which used to really scare me as a kid.

"The Terrible Tunnel" was just horrifying four a four year old. What really freaked me out was the idea that the damn thing moved and it could pop up anywhere and kill all involved. The first scene where Wembly is playing Marco-Pollo and he hears this creepy, dead voice calling "pollo" from the tunnel was so unnerving. I also was disturbed by the idea that their souls seem to stay trapped in the tunnel after it eats them.

"Believe it or Not" was the other one that bothered me though it was one of my favorite episodes. It's that one where they discover a creature that turns into whatever people think it is. The Gorgs hear him crawling around in their basement and assume he's a monster so he turns into one. The whole thing was pretty horrifying, especially when he transforms and his voice changes. I still think it's a pretty cool episode about how people project the worst in themselves onto others.


Red's Sea Monster scared me. It was one of the first ones i saw as a kid and I was 4 or 5 years old. Also, the one with the ditzies when they all fall asleep. Creeped me out.
