MovieChat Forums > After MASH (1983) Discussion > Book showing documented proof that North...

Book showing documented proof that North Korea in fact started the Korean War

Book 'Forgotten War Remembered, Korea' shows heavily documented proof that Kim II Sung pestered Stalin for the permission to invade South Korea in 1950.


The nutjob who posted this thread has written only 43 posts to Moviechat. A cursory examination of its posts reveals a rightwing, pro-American slant for both the Korean and Vietnamese Wars with an attempt to vilify any communist position. This same individual also has written posts suggesting that the cosmology presented as the First Six Days of Creation in the Book of Genesis is scientifically accurate. I seriously doubt this rightwing bigot has anything of value to say on the subject at hand, the terrible sitcom. After-MASH which some of us will never forget as being among the worst shows we've ever seen.


Your Kim boys are a blight on humanity. They'll figure prominently in the destruction of the planet.


Your mother called. You forgot to take your meds this morning.


Mom is wrong. I'm current on my meds.


"rightwing, pro-American slant for both the Korean and Vietnamese Wars with an attempt to vilify any communist position"

Thanks for the lols! Commies are fucking scum, why are you defending them? Are you now or have you ever been a Democrat?


Satan, what the poster deleted does not take into account is sources are quoted for where Bertie got this info.
