obviously anytime people are involved, they bring their stupid flaws with them. i do wonder, however, reading about this issue on the board here has sort of made me consider about a possible conundrum...
let's say, earlier thizs century, a black man applies for a loan. this was, of course, prior to technology making checking credit such an easy, turnkey process, and when everything is taken into consideration, he is a borderline candidate for approval. however, because the town where they are both located, let's call it commode, alabama, is in the south, thus the opportunty the man may have is going to be restricted because the town, and indeed the entire american south, was idiotically mired in racism, and therefore his future earning potential is going to be extremely limited...he will be able to make a living, and save money, but he will probably never be rich, or even necessarily comfortable, unless he owns a farm or something and the price for whatever he is growing just goes through the roof for a few years, and he manages to cash in and have a bundle.
not only that, but, if he were to get the loan from the bank and use it to buy or build a big, nice house, there exists the possibility that the redneck isiots who live around him, being jealous b/c he is smart/industrious/fortunate enough to have gotten such a nice home, might decide to just up and burn it down one day, just because they 'ain't neverf had a house thay-it bee-ig buhfo-re. it aint ferr!'
given all of this, what is the bank's responsibility. through no fault of his own, the man is a risky investment for the bank. on a pure business level, approving the loan is a risk. indeed, if the town is backwards enough, such an act might be considered 'radical and put the bank at risk, esp if they deny any white person ever.
so, what do you do? obviously the morally correct thing is to approve the loan...hell, i would forget the loan and just g9ve it to him if it would piss off the 'necks, if i had it to give.
but what do you do? are you racist for considering the climate of the town, even if that climate backwards and stupid and evil? what is your responsibilioty, to the institution responsible for your employment, or to the overfall good, the institution responsible for gthe well being of the entire country, and indeed your very soul? what do you do?