Episode review; A Small and Deadly War
Remember this one so well, even the advert for it where BA talks about it being just like fighting ourselves. It's a great concept, a SWAT team acting as guns for hire and of course we have the future general Fullbright and Dean Stockwell, hell of a shootout at the end, you figure they really did hose the building with gunfire, much more formidable villains than usual, turning the A-team's own trick back on them. The confrontation with them all cammoed up is also great, the only time I can remember them using a shotgun.
On the bad side you already see Melinda being frozen out, absent for a great deal of the ep. And in fairness you can't really see a place for her. Plus Hannibal's Kid Shibeen disguise is awful. Funny to see Mr T (a real life MP) disparaging the police whereas Face confesses he really wanted to be a cop.
But really I love this ep for the following exchange;
Face; "So what's the plan?"
Hannabil; "It'll be just like that time we swiped that Cong general near Khe San"
Face; (unconvinced) "Uh-huh? The time I got shot in the leg?"
Murdock; (outraged) "The time I got SHOT DOWN!"
BA; (agreeing with Murdock for once) "Man that was a TERRIBLE plan!"
Hannibal; "Yeah, now we get to work the kinks out!"