Reviews ep by ep; The Beast from the Bell of a Boeing
Wow, there's a triumph of alliteration! Decent ep, Andrew Robinson, Scorpio himself as the hijacker but this time with a plane rather than a school bus. One question, did he die? He was sucked out of the plane at an impractical height but he had a parachute, DB Cooper style. Murdoch being blinded a rare example of realism of firearms on the A-team, we also have Amy pulling a gun on the airline staff. The final approach a very tense sequence rather spoiled by them reusing the gag from Airplane.
I have to say I laughed myself silly at the scene where BA freaks out at the fact they are flying and Face beats him with the tray, Mr T showing some real acting skill when it comes to being catatonic.
A touch of realism when Face figures out their finances at the end, even Amy gets a share. Oddly fitting that they even pay taxes?