MovieChat Forums > The A-Team (1983) Discussion > Ep by ep; It's a desert out there

Ep by ep; It's a desert out there

Anthony James, another of Hollywood's great villain actors who if I recall will recur later on as a different character. Interesting story that they actually get screwed over the first time and the bad guys get away. A nice little moment when Hannibal thinks to himself that they're too switched on just to be ripping off tourist buses and that something else is up. That said Murdoch's alien schtick is stupid and never really works. Tawnia hugely redundant here


Tawnia is always redundant and Anthony James was also in Trouble Brewing.


I like Tawnia, more than Amy in fact, a yes Anthony James plays the memorably titled 'Insane Wayne'.


Eh. Melinda Culea was a better actress.
Jesse Vint played Insane Wayne but Anthony James was in that episode, too. He was Three-Fingered Harry. You can't out-A-Team me. Lol!!


Culea was a better actress, but Tawnia Moyer was HOT!

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


Tawnia Baker was probably prettier than Amy Allen but honestly, neither of the roles were very good (writers fault, I'm sure). Amy rolled her eyes more than she spoke (you could turn it into a drinking game and get smashed!) and Tawnia tried way too hard. They both overacted. Frankie's character was acted better but still ridiculous. The show just didn't need a 5th wheel.



Ew. I'm done with you. Lol.


Note the difference in screename and date joined. That's my doppelganger, Cw.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


Wow! I didn't know you had a doppelganger but I did think the comment was out of character. My phone doesn't show date joined and I didn't notice at a glance the i and j. My apologies!!

Dear Doppleganger: Ew. Go away.


He's a lowlife, cwd.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


I have several doppelgangers. It's okay. You're forgiven. Keep an eye open.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


Speaking of nude.."When I stand on the beach, I look like a tripod".. Thank You..Thank you.... no applause..Just throw money.
