Who farted?

I've seen this movie probably 20 times in my life. I was watching it last night with my girlfriend who has never seen it and I noticed something new that I can't believe I never caught before.

In the scene where Willie Ames takes Heather Thomas to his house, he's pouring wine and she's looking around, some kind of fart noise is heard, Heather looks back and Willie smiles. We rewinded it three times and can not understand what the hell that was about.

Did Willie Ames fart and it made him laugh? or did Heather Thomas fart, get embarrassed and then Willie shrugs it off? or did we miss something and she stepped on a squeaky floorboard or something?

I really don't get it. Any thoughts?

Also, Zapped! is one of my all-time favorites and the soundtrack is awesome!

Got To Believe In Magic!


I always thought that Heather Thomas farted because she was nervous or it just slipped out when she leaned over. She does look embarressed afterwards.

To confuse matters even more, the DVD subtitles explain the noise as 'cork squeeking' as Peyton opens the drink.


The way the joke was SUPPOSED to work is that Heather hears the cork squeeking as she bends over and mistakes it as herself breaking wind. That's why she waves her hand behind her butt as she quickly straightens up.

It could have been a good joke but, as we see by the confusion on this thread, most viewers just didn't get it.

What the producers needed to do was to have an extreme closeup of the cork as it squeeked and then cut to a closeup of Heather gasping and then to the long shot of her straightening up and waving her nonexistant gas away.


How could you possibly not know if you farted?


1st time I noticed was from watching it last night. I haven't seen this in years.

wacka wacka. who wanna hear a funny ass joke?


It was her




I don't think you should be discussing farts with your girlfriend. Don't people have any shame? Disgusting.


I drink a lot of wine and never has one sounded like a fart when it is opened. the chick farted. she was preparing herself for what was to come. he was gpoing to cap that fart.


It was me.


A celeb could confess on imdb to the murder of Bonnie Lee Bakley and no one would notice the thread.
