its total waste of time.
i think it was just plain stupid movie, which had a start of a great movie. i feel bad to waste my time on this s#it.
sharei think it was just plain stupid movie, which had a start of a great movie. i feel bad to waste my time on this s#it.
Of course the poster has no reasons.
"Maybe this world is another planet's hell."
"waste of time." I agree...walked out on it [sometime before the rear-ending in the driveway]. A tedious, almost real-time slowly unfolding of a life that I didn't know why I should care about. I remember the trailer, I think, showing the scene of the airplane flying into the house...Garp [sorry, 'Gaaaahp'] tells the real estate agent, "I'll take it."--like it's an Airplane comedy. Garp's ['Gaaahp's]wife was off-putting to me--didn't know what would attract him to such am unsmiling snot. And the 'Gaaaahp' pronounciation...yeah, I get it, I get it...but annoying & distracting to those of us not from theyah.
"you need a bigger boat..."
I agree, this movie was dumb. I couldn't care less about a single character. They all seemed like liberal crackpots trying to pass dysfunction off as normal. I guess it goes to show what happens in a world where everything is relative. Vote for Ron Paul!
better a "liberal crackpot" than a warmongering, torture approving, prejudiced, bigoted, misogynistic, thieving, lying, scheming, corrupt, moralistic, oil profiteering, environment destroying, hypocritical, flipflopping, sleazy, holier than thou rightwingwacko swindler.
Of Course It Hurts:
You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant
Well, you have more adjectives, so I guess you win. Being a Republican, I'm too stupid to think up a proper response to your clever name-calling. Congratulations, sir or madam, because you have officially made me see the error of my ways!
I am Lord Newt Batchmonkey!