Question about the Plane Crash

Does anyone know how they did that...? Did they literally just get someone to fly a plane into the house, and hope for the best..? (I know the walls would be prepared/cut away, whatever, but still...)

It looks very realistic in the movie, and I just thought it's a big and dangerous looking stunt for something that looks great but doesn't really add to the plot...

Maybe they were under budget..?



i don't have an idea about the stunt itself

if you read the book you will see that it adds to the plot, because in the book it was made obvious how garp was always fearful and paranoid over the safety of his children.

but the plane crash wasn't mentioned in the book to my knowledge


They made the side of the house out of balsa wood and flew the plane into it.


From what I understand, that is exactly what they did. A friend of mine's father kept his plane at the airport where they did this stunt and I remember him telling me how they built the house just for the stunt and then flew the plane into the house right next to the airport. Apparently, a chunk of the house even flew off and did minor damage to my friend's father's plane. lol
