Jenny's Family Home

Does anybody know where Jenny's home at the shore is. The filming locations are listed at this site but I can't find the location of that particular locale. I have an idea that it's the Roslyn location that is listed because that is the only one close to a body of water (Long Island Sound?)


The movie theater in Roslyn is in various scenes. I don't think the family home is in Roslyn


I believe it's located in a sound stage somewhere near Los Angeles, California.



It is a mansion built by Bethlehem Steel heir, Robert Linderman on Fisher Island. Fisher Island is part of Southold N.Y. It is 9 miles long, 1 mile wide and found at the far eastern end of Long Island Sound just off the southeastern coast of Conn. and about 11 miles off the tip of Long Island.
(I was blown away by the grandeur and beauty of -this "house" too and went on an overly obsessive search until I finally found it.)


Do you have the address, or more specifics?

I did some Internet searching, and also attempted to locate the house on Google Earth.

Not much info on the Net, and Google Earth has several possible locations.


Found this @ Wikipedia (
Personal photo taken from Fishers Island Ferry

This house has a similiar look but is a relative new construction on the East End.; amp; amp;encType=1

Hope you find this helpful.



It's on the northern side of the island toward the western end. You can see it on GoogleMaps at the tip of the peninsula left of Hay Harbor. Mrs. Robert Linderman refused $250,000 for it in 1903 when she owned it. It's now owned by David Wilmerding. There's a photo of it taken from the ferry on Wikipedia under Fishers Island. Silver Eel Cove where the ferry docks is to the left of the peninsula. Fishers Island is probably the most exclusive place for top-hatters you've never heard of. If you think Martha's Vineyard is for snobs, Fishers Island invented them. There's an article from 1965 in the Sports Illustrated archives about this place. Old lady du Pont pushed the plunger to detonate the dynamite that blew up the old country clubhouse because it was losing $50,000 a year back then. This has been an episode of The Wealthy and the Bored.
