Robin Williams (sigh)

A beautiful example of how less can be more. I think that, every time we get an over-the-top performance, somebody should tie Robin to a chair and make him watch this movie. Then, every time he does shtick, you should shock him in the genitals with a car battery.



"Can I wear the mask from Scream while I do you from behind?" Kenny Powers






Add me to the list. Williams just needs the right director to tone him down.

End of the world? So what.


give the guy a break, from his resume I don't think he just randomly makes these movies but is aware which audience he's going for...admittedly I'd like to see him do (or to have seen him do, I guess it's a little late now) more drama as he is clearly capable, but if he's happy making films for kids then so be it.


I completely agree with this, but did you guys see World's Greatest Dad last year? Williams gave his best performance in years.

I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.
