Glenn Close's accent

I noticed that Glenn Close put on a slight accent for her role. It kind of reminds me of the accents put on by actresses in the 40s/50s, the kind of upper class New England or neutral Mid-Atlantic accent that has characteristics of British and American sounds blended together. I wonder, was it done on purpose? Or was that how Glenn Close spoke back in the day? (I haven't seen any movies of hers before this one). And what exactly would that kind of accent be called nowadays?


I'm not sure about this, but is sounds a lot like Katharine Hepburn's accent, and perhaps Glenn Close was trying to get close to what KH would've done with the role. I got that vibe during the whole movie.


Yeah, it does sound like that Katherine Hepburn infamous lockjaw accent because I think it takes place somewhere in New England (CT?).


Btw, that "infamous" accent of Hepburn's was referred to as a "Bryn Mawr accent" by a lot of people that knew her, on account of where she grew up and what school she went to.


Sounds like an old fashioned "Down East" Maine accent.

"You cahhhn't get hayer from theyer"

be ayse der wax falama. ok hoone
