MovieChat Forums > Tron (1982) Discussion > Any1 unreasonably sad Ram 'dies'?

Any1 unreasonably sad Ram 'dies'?

As in, tears might have fallen? I know I was! I'm just not sure why...
I watched the movie about 4 hours ago n I still can't shake the sadness. I need to focus more on real life instead of movies...
I am the Queen of Your World


It's definitely a downer of a scene. Ram was the down to earth and spirited youth of the group, so it has the greatest impact that he's one killed off. What really sucks is that Flynn was unable to save Ram from derezzing, but could bring Yori back from nearly dying later on in the film.

Maybe they could bring Ram back in a sequel.


I cried.

When Tron first came out Dan Shor's mom was involved in a writing group and she got the whole group to write to Steven Lisberger asking him to re-rez Ram. Now whenever my brother, sister and I watch Tron, when Ram dies we start chanting "Re-rez Ram! Re-rez Ram!"

Sometimes fear is the appropriate response.-1 from 9


RAM was the jesus like figure, the true believer who sacrificed and found his god at the moment of his death.

Yeah its corny, but it brings a tear.
