The Matrix - a rip-off of Tron?
This must have been asked already BUT having just watched Tron again for the first time in nearly 30 years I was struck by how many plot elements were 'borrowed' in the Matrix trilogy:
1 - People existing both in the real world and inside a virtual construct
2 - Flynn = Neo, a computer hacker when he is inside the virtual construct interact in a unique way with greater power than 'ordinary' programs
3 - Lora/Yori = Trinity, she has an almost identical death/resurrection scene where Flynn brings her back to life
4 - Tron = Morpheus, okay this one's a bit of stretch but Tron has more abilities than your average program and inducts Flynn into how the construct works I know Ram does this as well)
5 - Dillinger/Sark = Agent Smith, the nemesis, an enforcer who grows in power (gets bigger instead of duplicating!)
6 - The finale requires Flynn/Neo to journey to the MCP/Core in order to destroy it and free all the programs
Are there any others that I've missed?