How woke is it?

Sounds like one of the first woke films


Ha! Perfect.

Yeah mate it’s WAY woke. Avoid it at all costs. No wait, cancel it completely. The woke cancer must be purged.

Dorothy 🙄 Feminazi if ever I saw one.




I never saw it. I'm not against what cross dressers do, but it's not my speed.

The first time I saw that was on many many TV years ago, and the ten minute segment was fascinating. Some of those dudes made passable women. But I saw it once and never had any inclination to see cross dressers again.

I heard it was funny, and Dustin Hoffman is a great actor, but I passed then and pass on it when it comes on TV.

But my guess is that it had nothing to do with wokeness but was just a comedy.


I highly recommend it. It's really good.


Young people today do not know what they are missing. They dont get it.

They'd rather watch Thanos VII


It's a romantic comedy.

People like you, hunting down "woke-ness" constantly reminds me of Salam Witch hunters.

It's an excellent film.


For its day it was very woke, but by today's standards it is probably misogynistic. That said, I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, so don't take this as gospel.


Imo its not woke, just ironic.

Actually its kinda attacking what you'd call todays wokeness, had that existed back then. Because if you think about it he is resentful of the fact he couldnt get work as a man. Its really inverted wokeness.


True, it can be approached on several levels, which can't be said for much of today's cinema.


WTF is wrong with people nowadays? It's an enjoyable film and stop worrying about whether something is "woke" or not. Grow up and learn to form your own opinions.


One of my favourites movies.


It's not about wokeness or cross-dressing. It's about a guy doing what he has to do to get a job. Fantastic movie. Absolutely fantastic.


Bill Murray certainly wasn't woke in it.
His line, "What a nutty hospital!" isn't woke.
