MovieChat Forums > Tenebre (1984) Discussion > Anchor Bay DVD Wrong Aspect Ratio!!!

Anchor Bay DVD Wrong Aspect Ratio!!!

Aside from this running time issue the DVD also is Cropped!!!!! The aspect ratio is 2:35 not 1:85. Video companies are doing this a lot now in order to fit the 16:9 TVs. I find it upsetting, and useually I notice the difference.


Anchor Bay made an anoouncment about this a very long time ago. They promised to re-release it at some point in the right ration...we'll just have to wait.


Who cares! The DVD looks fine.


Actually, it's always BEEN 1.85:1. Check the "laserdisc details" and "technical specifications" pages if you don't believe me.


The AB DVD IS IN THE CORRECT RATIO..........the film was shot 1:85:1 NOT 2:35.1. The issues with the AB DVD are more to the fact that it's a non-anamorphic release and there are a few small trims from the print.
