Anchor Bay dvd

Does anybody own a real factory made copy of this dvd? I bought it but I think it may be a copy or something. The picture is hard to look at because it will get just a tad blurry but it effects my sight. Is anybody else's a good clear picture?

Don't wander into abandoned churches for Czakyr will grab you from underneath the watery grave.


I don't have the DVD but I do have Anchor Bay's old laserdisc, which looks great. Can't believe they would screw up the DVD as badly as you make it sound -- you must have a dupe.



On Argento's website Dark Dreams they reviewed the Anchor Bay DVD. They Had this to say on The Dvd release:

Totally unforgivable though is the fact that this anamorphic transfer is actually worse than the non-anamorphic US dvd! I kid you not. The picture is so soft that it verges on being blurry and the colours are very washed out. It kept making me think that it was out of focus.

"We played with life and lost." - Jules et Jim (1962)
