confused *spoilers*

I just may be dense but ive seen this movie tons of times and i still dont understand what exactly happened during the scene after the first killer gets killed.

Why is Peter on the ground with a wound on his head? It didnt seem to make any sense. And I dont understand the point of that whole scene. Maybe im missing something this has been bothering me since i first saw it seven years ago :)

The only thing i could come up with is after Peter offed the killer he was trying to run back to Gianni to avoid getting caught and slipped and busted his head.


**Major Spoilers**

Confusing indeed. I always thought that the head wound was self-inflicted, as to back up any "self defense" claims, although this is kind of pointless as the police would have found enough evidence against the "razor killer" when they investigated his death anyway.

It's also possible, that in Peter's haste he simply knocked his head exiting the house.

The whole point of the scene was simply to keep the viewer guessing and strung along until the last act, when the "second" killer is revealed.


Hmm i read somewhere else on the board Gianni was killed because he "saw" Peter killing off Berti.

Which wouldnt have made sense because Gianni wouldve freaked out or at least said something. Or he couldve just been playing it cool. Once again another brain picker :(


my take on the scene in question (I haven't watched the movie in a LONG time, so I'm a little rusty, but I think I remember this scene)

After Gianni was out of his hair, Peter ran in Berti's house and axed him. I think he then ran back to the yard and hit his head with that rock/object next to him, to make it look like the killer hit him then took off.

I don't think Gianni recognized Peter, but he does realize later that it Berti confessing to the murders, not the other killer. I don't think he ever really realized it was Peter until he was being strangled, remember the surprised expression on his face?

They go in Hollister as cute little kids and come out THE STEPFORD TEENS


Peter's wound is clearly self-inflicted and for a very obvious reason: he and Gianni and staking out the house. After Berti is killed, Gianni obviously going to wonder where the hell Peter has been while this was happening. Peter needs an alibi to account for where he was while Berti was being axed.



I could be wrong, but is it possible that Peter got the wound on his head after he threw the ax through Berti's window after killing him, and the shards of glass came back at him and cut him on top of the head?

To stupid people everywhere: Thank you for brightening my day!


*major spoilers of course, even though the topic line indicates it :P

You guys bring up some good points but im thinking like...If Peter was gonna kill Gianni anyway what need would he have for an alibi?

So im concluding this scene is simply baiting the movie audience, and it would make no sense whatsoever if it were to happen in real life. :)
That's right we're here to shoot those frowns off your faces. POW! right in the face.


in fact it wasn't peter intention to kill gianni, at first. only when gianni told him that he is starting to remember somothing important about the first killer's murder, that peter decides to kill him.


Oh ok, its been a while since ive seen it :)
That's right we're here to shoot those frowns off your faces. POW! right in the face.


the look on gianni's face makes me think that he realized it was peter as he was dying.... :(


The whole scene really doesn't make sense in reality. it's just a cheap scene to fool the audience. My guess is that Argento couldn't think of any logic way to write the screen play, and all logic is tossed out the window. But Gianni goes towards the house, Peter looks behind him and you hear crackling of wood and whatnot behind him.

Just take the scene for what it is, because otherwise it's a big plot hole.


What always bothered me was how Peter was able to kill Berti and then run outside and whack himself on the head before Gianni got there. Impossible! No one's that quick!

One thing I love about this film is how two of the female victims survive one horrific incident only to then be killed in another.


Just take the scene for what it is, because otherwise it's a big plot hole.

LOL yeah theres simply no other way around it.

One thing I love about this film is how two of the female victims survive one horrific incident only to then be killed in another.

yeah that is kinda funny in a morbid way. But i only recall Maria having that kind of horrible luck who was the other >_<

That's right we're here to shoot those frowns off your faces. POW! right in the face.


Remember the first victim was chased by that psychotic hobo before she was eliminated by Berti and then as you said Maria was chased by Zoltan (the hound of satan.)

That scene where Maria ends up in Berti's lair by mistake after evading zoltan is kind of interesting. The killer is forced to bend his own rules and kill an innocent girl in order to keep his identity a secret. Not even his rigid pattern can withstand the unpredictable forces of chance, random encounters and coincidence.
