The Other Game
The other game is to have a few glasses of vodka with your friends and count the number of intentional or unintentional homo-erotic and other sexual innuendos in this movie. Other than Sean Connery requesting "a blow for a blow" and lots of rippling chests and men bending over in receiving position, it was just classic when the squire asks which way they should go and Gawain replies, "West". Sean must have had some fun in his green tiara and bare-chested green glitter armour. There is also the moment of uncertainty when Gawain and his squire peer into the vaginal opening of Morgana's tent and wondering if they should go in. Pay close attention also to Oswald's overzealous torture scene and his comments.
This is a film that has much in common with other such classics as He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (the Cartoon with Prince Adam "holding aloft his Magic Sword"), The Warriors (with their mostly male cast who talk way too much about someone "riding their ass" or "making it to third base"), and well, too much has been said of 300.