Plot holes

If the wrong guy was on death row, couldn't it be proven? I know they didn't have DNA testing back then, but isn't there some way the guy who was convicted have been ruled out if there was semen found? What about the hammer (murder weapon)? Did the killer take it with him? Fingerprints? The only evidence was the little girl said it was him. That's not enough.

Why would her babysitters leave a little girl alone (even for a few minutes) in a house at night who witnessed her mother raped and murdered only 2 years earlier, just so they could get to their *beep* movie on time?! Even though she said it was okay, why would anyone do that?
Why would her father leave her with a known alcoholic(the neighbour's noticed him sneaking a drink outside his house through their window)?

This movie has too many stupid storylines that ruin the overall effect.


I see what you are saying. But, this is the 80s and you didn't have a lot of the Child Awareness laws and ethics that you have today. They should have.


Wasn't the male babysitter in on it?? Who was that old guy Rip Torn stabbed later in the house?

A Stranger is Watching 4/10
The Last House on the Left (1972) 6/10
Alone with Her 8/10


yes the male babysitter was in on it.


Is this the movie where the bad guy keeps saying, 'tick tock'


Those spanish youths in the restroom should have stabbled him, oh well that's what happens when u send boys to go after a mans job


no I just watched this movie on monday and don't recall him saying tick tock at all.


4/10 seems about right; I gave it 5/10 because I'm feeling generous today.

Regardless of the plot holes, this movie has no suspense or mystery. We know who the real killer is from the start, and we know the girl and the father's girlfriend will be returned safely. This is not a spoiler; this is how these movies work.

Are all Mary Higgins Clark novels like this? This feels like a kids movie with the occasional f-bomb. I'm surprised they went for an R-rating because this seem like it's geared toward preteens.


It is a spoiler, actually. You smug nimrod. You're talking nonsense.

I am always amused by those who barge onto IMDB after watching a movie in order to make bold, ignorant, sweeping statements (that they've just pulled out of thin air) about the nature of its plot or conclusion. Does it make you feel better and smarter than the filmmakers if you pretend that "this is how these movies work"? Because in reality there is no such reliability or consistency in film (for better and for worse).
