the recent European DVD release by Another World Entertainment apparently has corrections to 2 errors present on all other releases. a missing scene, and a misplaced scene. (nb - this is nothing to do with sex and violence) Can anyone confirm that these errors are present on the Anchor bay release.
I got this DVD yesterday, the scene with Paolo Malco looking smug then it freezes happens about 42 minutes in, after the dectective drives off after speaking to him. The missing scene is one with Paolo Malco's assistant looking at the photographs of some of the victims then he mentions the line 'don't accept any rides off guys with 2 fingers missing'. The picture quality is slightly poorer when these scenes appear so it's obvious when they begin and end. I enjoyed the film and it's fairly easy to follow yet there are still some clumsy lines which seem to make it a bit disjointed, possibly due to translation issues.
i just watched the original 1999 Anchor Bay release in the RED case.
for sure the scene
'the one with Paolo Malco's assistant looking at the photographs of some of the victims then he mentions the line 'don't accept any rides off guys with 2 fingers missing'.
it definitely on this DVD. 100%
so either that is not the missing scene or it was included on the very first AB release.