MovieChat Forums > Lo squartatore di New York (1982) Discussion > So, if a DISTURBING movie is DISTURBING ...

So, if a DISTURBING movie is DISTURBING it's bad?

If this movie disturbed you and made you feel sick and you think it's a bad movie because of that you're pretty damn ignorant because that's how Fulci wanted you to feel! If a movie that is supposed to be disturbing disturbs you and makes you feel sick, it's not bad, it's GREAT. How can you think a movie that made you feel something intense is bad? Movies that have strong effects on you are brilliant.

Most people don't watch violent movies to be entertained, they watch them to be disturbed and to see how terrible things like murder and rape are. Those movies aren't supposed to be entertaining. If you think people who like this movie like it because they'd love to see people die in real life, you're *beep* stupid. They think it's a good movie because it disturbed them, it had a strong effect on them. People who think violent movies are good aren't "sick". I can't stand when people say things like "anyone who enjoys this movie is sick! Seeing people die in horrible ways isn't entertaining!" They're just so ignorant and close minded... IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ENTERTAINING! Being entertaining is not the purpose of every single movie, dammit! This movie is supposed to be shocking! You think such movies make people feel like killing people? You're an idiot, they do THE OPPOSITE. Violent movies don't influence sane people to kill or whatever, they make people see how *beep* sick and terrible killing people is and how *beep* up the world is. Not exactly a bad thing if you ask me.


I agree. Most people hated I Spit On Your Grave because they found it too disturbing, not realizing that the whole point of the movie was to disturb people.


I have to agree w/ both of you I'm watching NYR for the first time right now and it just passed the bottle scene. Was not an easy scene to watch, but I can see where the director was going for with this. Some people just can't handle movies like this and deem them bad or crap b/c their scared of what they don't understand.

Welcome to primetime b*tch


This is the way I felt when I watched Maniac for the very first time. I have not seen NYR yet, but to this date manicac is the most distrubing film I've seen.



> "The film also has a high cheese factor."

Not to mention the unbelievable level of sleaze it contains. Blows my mind, every time I see it.

"We may be trapped."

