There is a seething rage in this movie. An underlying viciousness. It's well-made and the story is gripping with good suspense and effectively used violence. But the kills while not the bloodiest like City or the Beyond, are far nastier. I don't think the kills are misogynistic because Fulci seems to pretty much hate everything around him. He is just angry and wants to show as much pain and brutality as he can.
A pretty good movie but not the most comfortable movie to watch. Even Cannibal Holocaust was not this angry a movie.
Maybe?!? But there's some heart to this movie as well. W/ that said, let me explain and there will be SPOILERS.......
In the movie, all the characters are living pretty scummy lives. Even the so called "victims" really aren't that innocent. The wife who gets off on dangerous sex, the girl using lipstick on the guy's car. Even the protagonist aren't all that good. The professor makes sure he's paid well before helping w/ the investigation, etc. etc.
The professor, the cops, the lead female character, these are all supposed to be intelligent characters, but they spend the movie running around in circles, trying to figure out who the killer is, when the answer is so incredibly obvious and right in front of them the whole time in Peter.
Also, even though Peter is the ripper, if he isn't the one killing people, there's always another killer willing to take his place waiting in the wings of NY. That's shown w/ the lead being attacked by more then one killer.
Anyway, as a result of all this chaos, drama, etc. it's the innocent who truly suffer. Peter's daughter is left alone, to slowly die, living what life she has left in a tortuous state while the other characters continue to ignore her and go on w/ their lives, hunting down the next killer, continuing to run around in circles, living their scummy lives in a scum infested NY.
So, yes there is anger directed at the state of NY at the time, but it comes from a heartfelt place in that those that truly need the help get ignored.
Hard to believe there's some intelligent thought in a Lucio Fulici film, huh?!? lol.
Whether by accident or intent, the scenes are there and they all go towards that train of thought.
Prime example: Peter's daughter making the phone call at the end while no one answers. The police look for the next killer. The others go on w/ their lives. In affect, Peter's daughter gets ignored.