Off topic

Does any body remember a horror movie from the 80's (or maybe even the late 70's where people go to an island where a child was left/stranded years before that became a wild maniac. It was called something weird like Homo-something - like Homogenous, but that isn't it. For a while I thought it was called Monstrosity but that wasn't it. I rented it from Blockbuster in the late 80's.

I can still see the cover. It said the name of the movie in bones but it also looked like a ransom note with different letter cut out of magazines & just the wild eyes of somebody in the bushes.


I was thinking "Humongous."



Try Humongous (1982). It sounds similar to what you are looking for. They have a webpage on imdb for it for more info.


It's definitely the movie 'Humongous' (1982). The child was not abandoned; his mother was raped - the rapist was killed by the wild dogs on the Island. As a result of the rape, she had a baby which was ugly and misshapen so she lived on the island with only her mutant son away from the world. The rape left her with a deep hatred for outsiders and she taught her son to be hostile to anyone who comes to the island; after her death - the son has no one to look after him so he starts killing the dogs for food and does the same to the unlucky teenagers who crash on the island. Hope that's cleared up for you!
