This is one weird movie !
Spoilers ...
A killer that can't talk , but can funnily enough can scream out near the end of the movie
Unfunny comic relief thrown in with the fat deputy in a film that includes brutal axe deaths etc
Embarrassingly over long love making scenes
Characters unable to ever make a head shot when shooting at the killer
Characters who know they are dealing with some sort of super human killer still go near him so he can reach out and grab them , or take him on one on one in fight scenes even though he's fell from great heights , shot numerous times , surely indicating going one on one with him in unarmed combat would be utterly pointless
Then bizarrely thinking its all over because he's been thrown down a well after knowing what he's survived already and kept on coming !
A truly bizarre film with incredibly dumb characters with a weird of unfunny comical moments mixed in with brutal murders !