MovieChat Forums > Silent Rage (1982) Discussion > Dude kind of looked like Chigurh...

Dude kind of looked like Chigurh...

in No Country for OLd Men.


I know, let's make a violently crazy man invulnerable and unkillable! Yeah, that never goes wrong.

I wonder if they were doing a nod to this movie with the character look of the killer from "No Country For Old Men".


Thats funny because I just saw both of those movies yesterday. And no, I seriously doubt it. I don't think it's possible to make any comparison whatsoever between those two flicks.



At times Kirby really looked like Ron Perlman.

Can I borrow your towel for a sec? My car just hit a water buffalo.


I thought he was until I looked it up.


I thought John Kirby looked like the guitarist from DEVO (Bob Mothersbaugh)... only taller and obviously more imposing.

And not just because of his silver jumpsuit, either... their facial features are strikingly similar.


Nope, not at all. He looks more like Lee Marvin as some other poster said in another thread.

I'll let you know when I come-up with a new signature, .
