How did he go to college?

It has been a long while since I have seen "An Officer and a Gentleman" but from what I remember his dad was kind of a bum and did not particularly like him so it is doubtful his dad paid for him to go to college. The character was also a rebel, troublemaker, and a loner which means he most likely did not do well in school to get a scholarship nor did he likely do well in college if he was such a rebel and misfit.

The character did not really seem like a college graduate to me from what I remember in the beginning of the movie which had me thinking was it clear he was a college graduate in the movie. He would have to be a college graduate in order to be able to be a officer candidate at his age unless he was supposed to have been enlisted in the navy for several years which would not have been the case with how he acted and him having to shave his head in the beginning.

I thought it was odd and not very believable for a rebel troublemaker rougher character like Gere played to also have been a college graduate and going on to be a officer candidate. It would have been more believable and realistic for the rebel loner character not to have gone to college and enlisting in the navy or else they should have written the character as a little more clean cut and less of a rebel in order for it to be believable that he was a college graduate and he would qualify to be a officer candidate in the navy.


That's exactly what I thought. But apparently you must have a degree to be an officer in the US military, see the "Foley asking Emiliano whether he was a college boy" thread.


Near the beginning of the movie, Zack's father mentions something about him graduating from college, thus establishing the fact he was a college graduate.


College WAS a little cheaper back then- and certainly it wasn't a prestigious university. But he WAS motivated, so with a goal, ambition and a certain amount of smarts and self-sufficiency I don't find it that difficult to fathom.

I don't need you to tell me how good my coffee is. .


There was a lot more financial aid available back then. And some state universities were very affordable for residents.


As for Mayo being a college grad, this was confirmed at the very beginning of the movie. The morning after Mayo and his dad had sex with the Asian prostitutes in his dad's apartment, Mayo's father says to Zack, "Pretty *beep* wild. Not as wild as that night we banged those three stewardesses in Manila. Bet you didn't get it on like that in that jerkwater college you graduated from."

And after Mayo leaves the apartment to head on to officer's training school, he says to his dad, "Thanks for my graduation present," which of course is a reference to the hooker.

However, when his father describes Zack's college as "jerkwater," I would take this to mean that the college was far from an Ivy League institution. It was probably very small and not highly accredited, which may explain why Mayo had struggled in Aerodynamics in OTS and needed Cid to get him through.


Mayo could have earned a scholarship, particularly an athletic one, or received a grant. The grant system hadn't yet been largely replaced by guaranteed student loans by the Reagan Administration. He could have also worked his way through college. Also, he didn't necessarily have to have an engineering degree to get into the AOCS program, particularly at that time. He could have easily majored in Poli-sci, and many of my contemporaries did (NROTC). This would account for his difficulty with his technical courses in training. He is shown to be an intelligent man and very street smart. He could probably breeze through college, without much studying and still come out well. College isn't that hard if you understand how the individual professor grades and how to play the academic system.


who said he went to a GOOD college?


How did he go to college? Easy explanation is, he gamed the system. He gamed the system to get his college degree, just as (as portrayed in the movie) he gamed the system to get that enlisted guy to shine his shoes and what not. He was basically a glorified con artist. I kind of get the feeling his career in the Navy wouldn't have gone well.

