The Theme Song

The song talks about the last unicorn and the journey she's taking but right at the end of each verse it says "I'm alive". Why? It goes from third person the whole verse except the end when it goes to first person. The lyrics don't make sense.


If you had ever seen a unicorn, you'd know what it means. ;-)

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?



Thanks for the lyrics. Like I said, it doesn't make sense. The lyrics prove my point even more!!!!!!!!!!!!



As with all art forms, the song's meaning can change from listener to listener. For me, the song is about that which is timeless amidst the passage of time.

To explain...

The last eagle flying over the last crumbling mountain, the last lion roaring at the last dusty fountain are all idioms of a passing world. Their era is coming to a close -- an era wherein the belief in unicorns is considered fable and lunacy. Seemingly, no hope remains for these relics of a time gone by, and yet the unicorn reveals herself at the end of days as a very real and immortal creature. She spans all worldly eras with scarcely a concern, laughing in splendor in the face of such apparent sorrow. She is timeless. The last verse likens the unicorn to a constellation, similarly likening her longevity to the stars themselves.

I see the unicorn as a symbol of hope. I also see the oft repeated "I'm alive!" as her declaring her life, her love, her existence to those who would otherwise meet their end in ignorance and despair.

That's my take on it. As others have demonstrated, there is plenty of room for more interpretations.

I am not an atomic playboy!


your take is the most eloquent i have heard yet - beautiful!


Thank you, Kimmiar. You're very kind to say so.

I am not an atomic playboy!


Quite honestly I remember listening to the band America when I was a young 80's kid and thought they were good ? Upon watching this again I suspect this very well may be the worst score to a movie ever made ( over exaggeration not intentional) it sounds like a bunch of guys sat in a room and brainstormed a few songs with words that rhyme and smoked way too much grass
